Today is so messed up -,-
It was a lovely morning tho.. i did absolutely nothing.. :) but then the mess started at 3 o'clock. we had to go to pim first cause we have to buy a present for Kanaya, who's having her bday at Sency later on at 4.
So then we were on our way to Sency n that was like about 4.25 n we're late -,- So anyways,, we arrived and ate. Her bday party was in BK at Senci, of course.. Then we left BK at like.. 6.45. We walked around Sency anddd thhheeeennnnn...................... i saw Darma. He was with like 4 of his friends who were guys n i dont know them. I wanted to greet him but I didnt have time to cause Mom was calling me... So we left and I said to Kasih using MSN that I saw Darma at Sency. So long story short, he's on his way to Sency and he told me to tell Darma to wait for him. So i searched the whole 2 floors for Darma. Then i saw him at the coffee bean -,- They were talking and sitting and stuffs watver i dont rlly care.. but then i saw them getting up and leaving. So i had to catch up with him, they were going down the escalator! I was like "Darma! Darma!" he was like "Oh Heey.." I was like "Lu mau kemana? Kasih mau kesini. Jangan pergi ya" he was like "Dah.. Dah.. (waving and laughing -,-)" I was like "*watthehell..* Darma, Kasih mau kesini!" He left O.o
I was sooo furious and confused and my heart was beating so hard and everything is like happening at the same time i couldnt take it...!! I ran up while screaming "SIALAN!" Then i told Kasih he left.
So i waited for Kasih infront of ColdStone. And finally he's here. -,- I told him everything and i was soo PISSED!! I hate him!!! HATE! Darma is such a *****!! >.< huhhhuhh...
I walked with Kasih for like 30 min.. (?) then i had to meet back at Jco and we left -,-
What a DAY!!?!? GRRR!! why is it so hard to be patient ?? :( :'|
I almost cried and i felt like crying but i was just so furious.. i mean seriously Darma.. U could be more polite can u?? -__-
Soo yeah.. I need to get some rest from all these none sense.. huhh..
I cant say i enjoyed today..
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
I had the most awesome day ever! :D
This morning i woke up at 6.20 i think. Then at 9.46 I head to Manda's house. There was this mix up so we went to Lauren's house kind of late..
Then we arrived at PIM around 11 and bought tickets to watchNew Moon . I didn't want to watch that tho.. they convinced me to watch that.. anyways.. then we went to Jco n met Sandy and Dennis. He was like waiting for Lauren's answer.. Ka Gio and I was like confused.. Manda and Lauren was like loud and stuff.. haha.. She ate some yogurt then Kasih came.
Then we went inside the theater and watchedNew Moon . Kasih didn't want to watch it and I was so bored inside there.
The thing about Manda is that we have ALOT in common :D we both hate twilight.. well we dont like it so half of the movie, we went outside. Then I told Kasih to go meet us at 21. So he did, I told him there was an empty seat next to me so he could just come inside with us and watch the rest of the movie.
The rest of the movie was okay i guess.. I liked Dakota Fanning. She was playing Victoria.. I think.. i wasn't really watching it thats why hahaha... my eyes hurt cause we sat too close to the screen.
The ending was stupid. then we head to the food court. the guys went to fun world. Cika and I walked all the way to PIM 2 starbucks and she bought these sweet lemon lollipops :D thank you Cik!!
We walked back again then met the guys again. Cika and I went to Gramedia to find Ka Steven. It was so hilarious HAHHAHA Youre a mad genius jess xD i loved your idea (x
We went back and met the guys at skywalk. They were planning on having their picture taken in a photo studio. We waited for like an hour till they could get started. There was Laurensia, Amanda, Stefi, Jessica, Ka Gio, Billy, Ka Steven and Elmo :D heehee Kasih and I waited outside.
Stefi's dad was calling her for like over 11 times. She and the others went home :( so it was just Billy, Kasih and I.
We went to KFC. I sat down, working on Kasih's BB. They were like eating chicken and stuff.. hahaha Im starting to hate Curve.. It gets on my nerves sometimes -_-
Then off to fun world to play drums :D haha billy loves to try new things. We wasted like over 30 minutes there. As usual, Kasih asks me to hold his phone and wallet. He has two phones now. -_-
Then we went back to that studio and waited for those pictures. They were nice :D
Billy was chit chatting with the person who's taking care of our pictures thing. I was so sleepy.. huhh..
It took him almost an hour to finish that. Then we went to PIM 1 and stopped at Toy City. We were laughing and looking at toy cars and stuff.. haha :)
Its 7 so i have to go home. I said bye to them and bought some yogurt and went home. So thats todays story.. haha there's more actually but i dont think ill put it here (:
I <3 today
This morning i woke up at 6.20 i think. Then at 9.46 I head to Manda's house. There was this mix up so we went to Lauren's house kind of late..
Then we arrived at PIM around 11 and bought tickets to watch
Then we went inside the theater and watched
The thing about Manda is that we have ALOT in common :D we both hate twilight.. well we dont like it so half of the movie, we went outside. Then I told Kasih to go meet us at 21. So he did, I told him there was an empty seat next to me so he could just come inside with us and watch the rest of the movie.
The rest of the movie was okay i guess.. I liked Dakota Fanning. She was playing Victoria.. I think.. i wasn't really watching it thats why hahaha... my eyes hurt cause we sat too close to the screen.
The ending was stupid. then we head to the food court. the guys went to fun world. Cika and I walked all the way to PIM 2 starbucks and she bought these sweet lemon lollipops :D thank you Cik!!
We walked back again then met the guys again. Cika and I went to Gramedia to find Ka Steven. It was so hilarious HAHHAHA Youre a mad genius jess xD i loved your idea (x
We went back and met the guys at skywalk. They were planning on having their picture taken in a photo studio. We waited for like an hour till they could get started. There was Laurensia, Amanda, Stefi, Jessica, Ka Gio, Billy, Ka Steven and Elmo :D heehee Kasih and I waited outside.
Stefi's dad was calling her for like over 11 times. She and the others went home :( so it was just Billy, Kasih and I.

We went to KFC. I sat down, working on Kasih's BB. They were like eating chicken and stuff.. hahaha Im starting to hate Curve.. It gets on my nerves sometimes -_-
Then off to fun world to play drums :D haha billy loves to try new things. We wasted like over 30 minutes there. As usual, Kasih asks me to hold his phone and wallet. He has two phones now. -_-
Then we went back to that studio and waited for those pictures. They were nice :D
Billy was chit chatting with the person who's taking care of our pictures thing. I was so sleepy.. huhh..
It took him almost an hour to finish that. Then we went to PIM 1 and stopped at Toy City. We were laughing and looking at toy cars and stuff.. haha :)
Its 7 so i have to go home. I said bye to them and bought some yogurt and went home. So thats todays story.. haha there's more actually but i dont think ill put it here (:
I <3 today
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Lovely morning I had
I wasnt in the mood to post any yesterday...
Today I had the loveliest morning ever! the rain was beautiful and everything seemed to peaceful.. i was just sitting there listening to my ipod.. :) it was just the greatest..
but then of course, there was ka ariel and she was like chasing people back and forth O.o i swear if she could like just take a break for 20 minutes it'll be a miracle .....
we had like 4 quizzes today.. first math, then science, then bible, and last but not least.. grammar. the math was tricky -_- i dont think i have 100 on that one.. on science, i aced it good :) then the bible was easy hihihi.. the grammar one was okay.. it was not the difficult.. i got 100 on that one :D
We had to go home early today cause the school had to repair the electricity thing so there won't be anymore blackouts -_- i want blackouts...
Huah.. I enjoyed the rest of the day by doing absolutely nothing interesting.. There was a party tho.. it's for my Dad, who just turned 40, 2 days ago which was tuesday..
We're planning to watch movies tomorrow :) so i guess that's it for today hehe..
Today I had the loveliest morning ever! the rain was beautiful and everything seemed to peaceful.. i was just sitting there listening to my ipod.. :) it was just the greatest..
but then of course, there was ka ariel and she was like chasing people back and forth O.o i swear if she could like just take a break for 20 minutes it'll be a miracle .....
we had like 4 quizzes today.. first math, then science, then bible, and last but not least.. grammar. the math was tricky -_- i dont think i have 100 on that one.. on science, i aced it good :) then the bible was easy hihihi.. the grammar one was okay.. it was not the difficult.. i got 100 on that one :D
We had to go home early today cause the school had to repair the electricity thing so there won't be anymore blackouts -_- i want blackouts...
Huah.. I enjoyed the rest of the day by doing absolutely nothing interesting.. There was a party tho.. it's for my Dad, who just turned 40, 2 days ago which was tuesday..
We're planning to watch movies tomorrow :) so i guess that's it for today hehe..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Too stressed
Im stressed right now.. gara2 Agal tuh tdi pagi, kita jdi tambah bnyk dan susah tugasnya.. i hate it.. but i guess thats not really important.. i wont make it a big deal..
I got 100 for my grammar quiz. then i finished my canvas painting thing.. it looked like a harassed peacock.. they agreed tho.. so yea.. i dont feel like laughing at all right now.. hmm..
So i guess thats it.. bye
I got 100 for my grammar quiz. then i finished my canvas painting thing.. it looked like a harassed peacock.. they agreed tho.. so yea.. i dont feel like laughing at all right now.. hmm..
So i guess thats it.. bye
Monday, November 23, 2009
So much
I didnt have time to post yesterday.. so much happened yesterday and today.. everything was fine tho.. It was fun also :D i had an experience yesterday, playing basket. it was a time of my life i'll probably will never forget :) (y) then i watch 2012 :D i really enjoyed it hahaha cool effects but i really dont get the story at all tho.. Thank you Ka Steven xD
Then today the girls are going to play another game, but i didnt want to come so i stayed with jess. grammar was so quite i rlly enjoyed it :) (y)
Im stressed... Jess was pulling me everywhere today.. if i was a fish in a bag, i could've died in minutes.. HAHA peace cik :)
History was okay.. i was so sleepy i could'nt think at all... -_- Yawnn..
Yup.. i think thats it for today.. i have a grammar quiz tomorw.. hehe buhbaii
Then today the girls are going to play another game, but i didnt want to come so i stayed with jess. grammar was so quite i rlly enjoyed it :) (y)
Im stressed... Jess was pulling me everywhere today.. if i was a fish in a bag, i could've died in minutes.. HAHA peace cik :)
History was okay.. i was so sleepy i could'nt think at all... -_- Yawnn..
Yup.. i think thats it for today.. i have a grammar quiz tomorw.. hehe buhbaii
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Game on!
Tadi pagi bangun2 pengen makan bubur hahaha tpi abis makan bubur kenyang bgt gilaa ckck padahal itu aja nggk abis.. i wasted 43 minutes on a porridge i cant even finish.. huahah..
i took a shower then at 1:15 my mom dropped me off at Alix. It was kinda hard getting in cause there was a mix up (i dont wana talk about it). The first people i saw was Kasih (my idiot friend, the idiot), Ka Haruka and Ka Gio. They were drinking something, then i met Miss Fs.
Trus kita duduk, pas bgt gw dtng game yg pings maen mulai. Pings Vs. TM. Skolah gw tuh dua2nya tpi gw tetep ngedukung pings lah :) TM jago2 jg. Nomor 4 tuh (y) keren dan jagoo..
Kita maen lgi besok tpi Pris nggk ikut -_- payaah ah.. Yeeh gw di suruh main ckckck untung aja di bolehin am bonyok..
Doa doa lgi hahaha help us Lord :) Give us strength ..
i took a shower then at 1:15 my mom dropped me off at Alix. It was kinda hard getting in cause there was a mix up (i dont wana talk about it). The first people i saw was Kasih (my idiot friend, the idiot), Ka Haruka and Ka Gio. They were drinking something, then i met Miss Fs.
Trus kita duduk, pas bgt gw dtng game yg pings maen mulai. Pings Vs. TM. Skolah gw tuh dua2nya tpi gw tetep ngedukung pings lah :) TM jago2 jg. Nomor 4 tuh (y) keren dan jagoo..
Kita maen lgi besok tpi Pris nggk ikut -_- payaah ah.. Yeeh gw di suruh main ckckck untung aja di bolehin am bonyok..
Doa doa lgi hahaha help us Lord :) Give us strength ..
Friday, November 20, 2009
A new day
Bangun telat -_- nyampe2 jam 7 lewat 10.. itu trus nggk masuk chapel, abis itu dih marahin Miss Fs.. disruh bikin apa gt.. forgt :P haha
trus abis itu math nya lumayan ngerti tpi itu jg gt doang.. i dont the rest of it tho.. yg about graphs itu jgn tanya gw.. cos i dont know anything about it..
I got 100 for my VSP :D Heehee... Mr. Allen.. I'm going to miss youuu!! :( tega dia.. huhh..
Computer kita pada narsis smua hahahaha i hate being narsis -_- so mostly we didnt learn anything (again) from computer class.. trus tdi lunch nya gw sama ka viana makan di atas, yg laen di bwah..
then after that jess, luna, and i said goodbye to them yg maen ke alix cup and wish luck. trus kita bedua heboh2 gt masuk ke ruang HE hahahaha ada miss sarah sama miss mitha. she gave us free time!! xD wehee i love you miss (sometimes haha) we mostly spent the whole time at the library. gw am jess crita2 gt hahaha -our secrets- xD
naik2 ke atas ada yg ngambil kunci locker -_- sial bgt dah.. trus mr. enrico kebanyakan ngmng 'kamehameha' i think he said it 23 times if im correct.. kuping gw hampir copot, and my head was aching.. -_- i hate it.. btw kamehameha 1 = kasih, kamehameha 2 = agal, kamehameha 3 = davin. (y) HAHAHAHAHHAA haduuh jess gw ngakak tdi hahaha kocak abis... :D
trus abis itu kita siap2 pulang deh.. nggk nyadar hari ini jumat.. eh gtw nya mrk pada nggk jdi maen hari ini -_- cape deeh.. tpi untung nya sih besok, jdi gw bisa ngeliat mrk maen hahaha (y)
gw pulang jam 4an gt.. sambil nunggu ngobrol am ka ariel am luna :))) hehe
btw sorry nggk ada wktu untk post di blog kmrn, jdinya bolong deh..
trus abis itu math nya lumayan ngerti tpi itu jg gt doang.. i dont the rest of it tho.. yg about graphs itu jgn tanya gw.. cos i dont know anything about it..
I got 100 for my VSP :D Heehee... Mr. Allen.. I'm going to miss youuu!! :( tega dia.. huhh..
Computer kita pada narsis smua hahahaha i hate being narsis -_- so mostly we didnt learn anything (again) from computer class.. trus tdi lunch nya gw sama ka viana makan di atas, yg laen di bwah..
then after that jess, luna, and i said goodbye to them yg maen ke alix cup and wish luck. trus kita bedua heboh2 gt masuk ke ruang HE hahahaha ada miss sarah sama miss mitha. she gave us free time!! xD wehee i love you miss (sometimes haha) we mostly spent the whole time at the library. gw am jess crita2 gt hahaha -our secrets- xD
naik2 ke atas ada yg ngambil kunci locker -_- sial bgt dah.. trus mr. enrico kebanyakan ngmng 'kamehameha' i think he said it 23 times if im correct.. kuping gw hampir copot, and my head was aching.. -_- i hate it.. btw kamehameha 1 = kasih, kamehameha 2 = agal, kamehameha 3 = davin. (y) HAHAHAHAHHAA haduuh jess gw ngakak tdi hahaha kocak abis... :D
trus abis itu kita siap2 pulang deh.. nggk nyadar hari ini jumat.. eh gtw nya mrk pada nggk jdi maen hari ini -_- cape deeh.. tpi untung nya sih besok, jdi gw bisa ngeliat mrk maen hahaha (y)
gw pulang jam 4an gt.. sambil nunggu ngobrol am ka ariel am luna :))) hehe
btw sorry nggk ada wktu untk post di blog kmrn, jdinya bolong deh..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Peer Pressure
Hari ini peer pressure nya banyak bgt men. gw nggk nahan >.<
Udah mana tdi pagi jam 6 kurang, bangun2 muntah -_- nggk enak bgt deh.. Huaah..
Yaah ujan : | tambah males deh gw.. di tambah kita di panggil am bu lydia, dan itu jg nggk penting bgt... Kta sampe nggk sarapan men O.o gw dpt tenaga dri mana?? rasanya kea mau muntah, pingsan gt... ~,~ huuhhhuuhh
Lots happened today. yet it was unpredictable too but too much peer pressure :'|
I hope tomorrow will be different and unpredictable too but in a good way :)
Btw mahluk yg namanya Kasih dimana?? hahahha Miss Fs kocak..
Udah mana tdi pagi jam 6 kurang, bangun2 muntah -_- nggk enak bgt deh.. Huaah..
Yaah ujan : | tambah males deh gw.. di tambah kita di panggil am bu lydia, dan itu jg nggk penting bgt... Kta sampe nggk sarapan men O.o gw dpt tenaga dri mana?? rasanya kea mau muntah, pingsan gt... ~,~ huuhhhuuhh
Lots happened today. yet it was unpredictable too but too much peer pressure :'|
I hope tomorrow will be different and unpredictable too but in a good way :)
Btw mahluk yg namanya Kasih dimana?? hahahha Miss Fs kocak..
Monday, November 16, 2009
I <3 today
(y) today was so peaceful, tpi rada confusing bgt jg, not to mention the blackout yang nggk niat gt (blackout niat?) hahahah. it was so cool dah xD
it was exciting, hilarious, rada nyebelin, but i loved it :D hahaha
It was such an unpredictable day! thats the word hahaah (:
I aced my science test and my mandarin quiz.
Tdi blackoutnya jg cuma 25 menit gt :S tanggung bgt.. mau pulaang tpi nggk di kasih.. yaah :( gw sma manda udah kea orng sesat gt ckck hahaha
Yet i still call that fun xD <3 <3 <333
I hope tomorrow is an unpredictable day too ( : hopefully it'll be betaah! AMEEN xD
it was exciting, hilarious, rada nyebelin, but i loved it :D hahaha
It was such an unpredictable day! thats the word hahaah (:
I aced my science test and my mandarin quiz.
Tdi blackoutnya jg cuma 25 menit gt :S tanggung bgt.. mau pulaang tpi nggk di kasih.. yaah :( gw sma manda udah kea orng sesat gt ckck hahaha
Yet i still call that fun xD <3 <3 <333
I hope tomorrow is an unpredictable day too ( : hopefully it'll be betaah! AMEEN xD
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Finally the week ended
Phew..! I'm so glad this week's over.. it was probably the worst week i had since i remembered :S
Today i went to PIM and bought tickets to watch Astro Boy. I watched with Darren, Billy and Ka Steven. The movie was okay. it was kinda hilarious hahaha "I'm mike the fridge... a fridge". xD kocaak abis..
hiahhaha jam stengah 4, after the movie, we, Billy, Ka Steven and me, went to Pings and joined my frends, Lauren, Amanda, Stefi, Ka Viana, Kasih, Ka Gio, Ka Haruka and theres Lauren's Aunt :), playing basket,. It was so fun!
Tpi Lauren jatoh trus kakinya sakit :( Trus Billy lagi megang bola, lewat ka Viana sambil blng "oh yeaah!!!" trus ke sandung, jatoh, dengkulnya bengkak... :S haha so clumsy xD Heheheee Stefi udah cape bgt gittuu.. trus kita sempet CLASH together gt.. haha sory stefii :)
We played gt sampe jam 5 trus gw dijemput, pulang deh (: byee everyonee.. c u guys at monday xD hahahaha
Today i went to PIM and bought tickets to watch Astro Boy. I watched with Darren, Billy and Ka Steven. The movie was okay. it was kinda hilarious hahaha "I'm mike the fridge... a fridge". xD kocaak abis..
hiahhaha jam stengah 4, after the movie, we, Billy, Ka Steven and me, went to Pings and joined my frends, Lauren, Amanda, Stefi, Ka Viana, Kasih, Ka Gio, Ka Haruka and theres Lauren's Aunt :), playing basket,. It was so fun!
Tpi Lauren jatoh trus kakinya sakit :( Trus Billy lagi megang bola, lewat ka Viana sambil blng "oh yeaah!!!" trus ke sandung, jatoh, dengkulnya bengkak... :S haha so clumsy xD Heheheee Stefi udah cape bgt gittuu.. trus kita sempet CLASH together gt.. haha sory stefii :)
We played gt sampe jam 5 trus gw dijemput, pulang deh (: byee everyonee.. c u guys at monday xD hahahaha
Thursday, November 12, 2009
To be honest
To be wasnt the best day.. I was so tired.. tho there wasnt much homework.. still..
I did my math test tho.. I have to know how much i got cos i did the best i could...
hmmm.. theres not much to say so i guess thats it..
P.S. to my idiot friend: your an idiot but your still my friend, so i guess i have to deal it.
I did my math test tho.. I have to know how much i got cos i did the best i could...
hmmm.. theres not much to say so i guess thats it..
P.S. to my idiot friend: your an idiot but your still my friend, so i guess i have to deal it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Kesel abis hari ini
Um.. were shuld i start??! today is probebly the worst day this week.. or maybe tomorrow is???? nobody knows..
hari ini keanya smua orng cari ribut deh... tpi bukan temen2 deket aku.. tpi justru temen deket bisa membuat kesel bgt.. memang orngnya bacot sih ya -_-' maless bgt dah gw..
Rasanya pengen nendang orng nih!! i hate him so much! sok ngg tau aja..
And wats with the girls in gr. 8 and the guys???? emg lgi perang apa?? >_< nothing is going right.. i feel like running away. udah mana hari ini mati lampu lgi O.o i need help class for math test tomorrow wich i dont even understand!!
God help me :'|
hari ini keanya smua orng cari ribut deh... tpi bukan temen2 deket aku.. tpi justru temen deket bisa membuat kesel bgt.. memang orngnya bacot sih ya -_-' maless bgt dah gw..
Rasanya pengen nendang orng nih!! i hate him so much! sok ngg tau aja..
And wats with the girls in gr. 8 and the guys???? emg lgi perang apa?? >_< nothing is going right.. i feel like running away. udah mana hari ini mati lampu lgi O.o i need help class for math test tomorrow wich i dont even understand!!
God help me :'|
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Another Tuesday
I woke up at 5:48 AM. I arrived at the swimming pool at 6:21 AM. I swam and swam and chat.. then after we were done, we head to the showers but on our way there, we saw a pile of dookie :S It was nasty hahaha.. Urgh
Then we arrived at school and Ms. Fs arranged our seat again -_- I can't believe I'm sitting next to a person that is SO annoying. I just cant stand it.. But on the bright side I'm sitting next to my close and good friend Lauren :D heehee
Then at Science, i had an assignment that i forgot.. So i quickly wrote the stuffs on the whiteboard. My hand writing was hideous! Tho Kasih's is worst hahaha..
There was a Mandarin Test!! I was like 'ooh my..' and just my luck, there were no chairs left.. So I sat on the stage thing.. I aced it tho and I sure I'll get more than 90 :)
I gave my Bible project to Mr. Sam. I was glad i made it and it's done! haha
Then theres English.. Then lunch. At lunch there was a heavy rain.
Then theres Indonesian Studies. I like Miss Valen hehe.. She's nicee and fun.
I swear I think there were sleeping pills in my lunch cause I was sooo sleepy!! -_- I could think at Art time.. I didn't even get to finish it O.0
At history, there was Darma's presentation and William's. Darma got 94.. Yes i think it was 94. Hahaha I forgot :S William got 99!! Wow Wil, I got to hand it to you that was GREAT! :D
Then I head home :) Byee..
Then we arrived at school and Ms. Fs arranged our seat again -_- I can't believe I'm sitting next to a person that is SO annoying. I just cant stand it.. But on the bright side I'm sitting next to my close and good friend Lauren :D heehee
Then at Science, i had an assignment that i forgot.. So i quickly wrote the stuffs on the whiteboard. My hand writing was hideous! Tho Kasih's is worst hahaha..
There was a Mandarin Test!! I was like 'ooh my..' and just my luck, there were no chairs left.. So I sat on the stage thing.. I aced it tho and I sure I'll get more than 90 :)
I gave my Bible project to Mr. Sam. I was glad i made it and it's done! haha
Then theres English.. Then lunch. At lunch there was a heavy rain.
Then theres Indonesian Studies. I like Miss Valen hehe.. She's nicee and fun.
I swear I think there were sleeping pills in my lunch cause I was sooo sleepy!! -_- I could think at Art time.. I didn't even get to finish it O.0
At history, there was Darma's presentation and William's. Darma got 94.. Yes i think it was 94. Hahaha I forgot :S William got 99!! Wow Wil, I got to hand it to you that was GREAT! :D
Then I head home :) Byee..
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Just a random post
I'm missing someone right now.. huh
im just sitting here in my room. its so dark i had to open up the curtains.. i woulndt bother turning on the lights.. :'|
Its saturday and i cant go anywhere.. wat the hell.. its sucks like avocado YUCK~!
I wanted to watch Astro Boy so bad!! HUAH +_=
It's so stupid i forgot to bring home my chinese book and theres a test coming on Tuesday >_<
My life is tearing apart.. everything is so complicated now,.. Friendship, School Work...
Where did the good days go to?????? Its just been a bummer from last week................
GRrrr~!! Wished i had that person next to me right now so that at least someone could comfort me...
im just sitting here in my room. its so dark i had to open up the curtains.. i woulndt bother turning on the lights.. :'|
Its saturday and i cant go anywhere.. wat the hell.. its sucks like avocado YUCK~!
I wanted to watch Astro Boy so bad!! HUAH +_=
It's so stupid i forgot to bring home my chinese book and theres a test coming on Tuesday >_<
My life is tearing apart.. everything is so complicated now,.. Friendship, School Work...
Where did the good days go to?????? Its just been a bummer from last week................
GRrrr~!! Wished i had that person next to me right now so that at least someone could comfort me...
Friday, November 6, 2009
My life so far
Well,, today was good, i got 100 on my spelling quiz, and i think i aced my history quiz.
I've been practicing on my drums and guitars for quite a long time but i still need to practice harder if i want to be good at them hehe.. School has been okay for a month now since last time i posted my last blog. or at least i think its been a month???? anyways.. pasti smua orng punya temen yg aneh2 hahaha and i admit im a freak but im one of a kind xD HAHA (y) dan pasti smua orng punya masalah... kadang2 masalah itu sangat besar jdi mrk tidak bisa mengandali nya atau pun membenarkan nya,, alah susah bgt bahasa nya hahahahaha nevermind what i just said then.. but the point is everybody has problems but if you have true friends, they'll always stick with you no matter what happens :D i learned that this week (: hehe
Heres some good quotes i found or at least those are quotes,, or are they phrases?? hahaha who cares :D
"I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn how to let go. Things go wrong, so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies, so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together (:"
There are four things you cannot recover in life:
The stone after is thrown.
The word after is said.
The occasion after is missed.
The time after is gone.
"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."
Watch your thoughts,
they become words.
Watch your words,
they become actions.
Watch you actions,
they become habits.
Watch your habits,
they become character.
Watch your character,
it becomes destiny.
"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." -Kevin Arnold
Written happily by,
I've been practicing on my drums and guitars for quite a long time but i still need to practice harder if i want to be good at them hehe.. School has been okay for a month now since last time i posted my last blog. or at least i think its been a month???? anyways.. pasti smua orng punya temen yg aneh2 hahaha and i admit im a freak but im one of a kind xD HAHA (y) dan pasti smua orng punya masalah... kadang2 masalah itu sangat besar jdi mrk tidak bisa mengandali nya atau pun membenarkan nya,, alah susah bgt bahasa nya hahahahaha nevermind what i just said then.. but the point is everybody has problems but if you have true friends, they'll always stick with you no matter what happens :D i learned that this week (: hehe
Heres some good quotes i found or at least those are quotes,, or are they phrases?? hahaha who cares :D
"I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn how to let go. Things go wrong, so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies, so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together (:"
There are four things you cannot recover in life:
The stone after is thrown.
The word after is said.
The occasion after is missed.
The time after is gone.
"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."
Watch your thoughts,
they become words.
Watch your words,
they become actions.
Watch you actions,
they become habits.
Watch your habits,
they become character.
Watch your character,
it becomes destiny.
"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." -Kevin Arnold
Written happily by,
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