This morning i woke up at 6.20 i think. Then at 9.46 I head to Manda's house. There was this mix up so we went to Lauren's house kind of late..
Then we arrived at PIM around 11 and bought tickets to watch
Then we went inside the theater and watched
The thing about Manda is that we have ALOT in common :D we both hate twilight.. well we dont like it so half of the movie, we went outside. Then I told Kasih to go meet us at 21. So he did, I told him there was an empty seat next to me so he could just come inside with us and watch the rest of the movie.
The rest of the movie was okay i guess.. I liked Dakota Fanning. She was playing Victoria.. I think.. i wasn't really watching it thats why hahaha... my eyes hurt cause we sat too close to the screen.
The ending was stupid. then we head to the food court. the guys went to fun world. Cika and I walked all the way to PIM 2 starbucks and she bought these sweet lemon lollipops :D thank you Cik!!
We walked back again then met the guys again. Cika and I went to Gramedia to find Ka Steven. It was so hilarious HAHHAHA Youre a mad genius jess xD i loved your idea (x
We went back and met the guys at skywalk. They were planning on having their picture taken in a photo studio. We waited for like an hour till they could get started. There was Laurensia, Amanda, Stefi, Jessica, Ka Gio, Billy, Ka Steven and Elmo :D heehee Kasih and I waited outside.
Stefi's dad was calling her for like over 11 times. She and the others went home :( so it was just Billy, Kasih and I.

We went to KFC. I sat down, working on Kasih's BB. They were like eating chicken and stuff.. hahaha Im starting to hate Curve.. It gets on my nerves sometimes -_-
Then off to fun world to play drums :D haha billy loves to try new things. We wasted like over 30 minutes there. As usual, Kasih asks me to hold his phone and wallet. He has two phones now. -_-
Then we went back to that studio and waited for those pictures. They were nice :D
Billy was chit chatting with the person who's taking care of our pictures thing. I was so sleepy.. huhh..
It took him almost an hour to finish that. Then we went to PIM 1 and stopped at Toy City. We were laughing and looking at toy cars and stuff.. haha :)
Its 7 so i have to go home. I said bye to them and bought some yogurt and went home. So thats todays story.. haha there's more actually but i dont think ill put it here (:
I <3 today
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