Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Failure in training :D

Yeehaaaa!!! today was fantawsomazingreatastic day! HAHAHA thats not even a word i tell ya P:
nothing special really but i laugh alot, since that day where i failed to make a joke about the up top-down low-too slow trick, i've been a failure in training hahaha..Stephanie was with me, she really likes playing tricks on Maggy. "too slow!too slow!too slow!" hahahaha today she made Maggy not believe in down lows HAHAHA kesiannn wakakaka, then Agal said,"eh steph, baju gue putih. sapi minum apa?" and steph goes,"...air bening" then Agal was,"salaaahh, eh eh bener aaaaaahhh *tutup muka pake tangan* aduhh" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA FAIL FAIL HAHAHA bagus gal keren keren hahahahah duhh hahahahah fail semua nih kita tapi tetep aja pasti semua akhirnya juga ketawa hahaha itu juga bukan karena joke nya tapi malah karena fail hahaha :P manstabs dong..ehehehe..
sekolah udah tinggal bentar lagi deh nih, gua males banget ke singapore ga boong :S sebel ah orang ga mau juga malah di tarik2, itu seminggu sebelum exam semester lagi wew mantap gann -_-
*British accent* I can't wait for summeerrr!!!! HAHAHAHAHA wooo heheh (gajelas) yeyyy seru dech entarr, eh just remembered, i have alot of books to catch up on,or else i cant buy new books :S aaaaahhh baibaii!


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