Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I need..

Gua gatau musih ngapain lgi.. ga enak lah perasaan gua juga. :S rada sedeng sih cwo nya, maunya apa coba..
Btw, kemaren (krn ini jam 2 jdi udh Maret 16) cape banget gila ulangan ada 4: science exam, mandarin exam, MV exam, history long test.. huaahhh cape, ini aja ga tidur :S
I need a friend. Not just a friend, a friend i can trust, and be by my side anytime i need them, they wont say negative things, they'll encourage me, they'll trust me, we'll care for each other..
Would you prefer a true friend or a good friend? A true friend isn't always good, yet a good friend isn't always true. For me, i prefer close friends.
But do i have? tell me, if i'd ever let you down would you still talk to me? I know that nobody is on my side anymore. I can really trust nobody. who knows, maybe right now theres someone cursing my name already. i dont mind. its just that it hurts me to know i have nobody anymore.
Maybe an older brother is what i need. he'll understand me, i'll do the same.
Would you promise me to always be by my side? tell me that everything will be all right?
It hurts to fall in love especially the part where you realize that you already fell and he was not there to catch you cause he didn't care.... :S


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