Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Toy Story 3

Awwwsummm, but! the cinema was such a lamo. The movie stopped playing like sorta a black out in the middle of the movie-_- sucks so bad. refund! i want me money back! hahahaha. seriously tho, a movie ticket cost like at least 11 dollars here,damnn, and popcorns are like what?about 7 dollars,crazzyyy. i cried after watching the movie HEHEHEE. i got to keep the cool 3 Dimensional glasses tho P: Imma wear it every time i watch a 3D movie in Indo. I do pray i would be in Indo when VBS starts. I miss people hahah. Besides, i dont wanna have to feel guilty of spending my money on an expensive movie ticket here.
Earlier today we also went to the nearest library here in Fresh Meadows. I kinda borrowed some books,dont think i can finish'em this week but if im going home this weekend then i might not finish it IF i dont hurry hahaha what a confusing sentence ~,~
My birthday was nice. Ive got to say tho, its the most average of my birthdays yet, even tho I got a surprise birthday cake from my family at midnight and not to mention that day was the first day we got on the cruise hahahahah. would you believe they got unlimited food everywhere in that floating thing,especially ICE CREAM! Awwhh, it was an 'only three days even tho its a week cruise' kinda heaven, cause after that, we got bored, like real bored, like you're dying to go home but you got like half a week left.
Random Thought: If I was to choose a power I could have, I would love to be "Indestructible", just like Jacob Fielding in 'Thirteen Days To Midnight'.

PS. I'm 14 now!!


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