Friday, June 18, 2010

'knick knack paddy whack, give a dog a bone' (?)

Soooo, today's the last day I'll be in Jakarta, unless you call tomorrow, which I'll be in Jakarta only for a half day, the last day, then yes, yes today/tomorrow is my last day here. And tomorrow I've only got a week left of my being a thirteen year old. Damn, what a drag -_-
As of tomorrow, I'm starting a new adventure :) this year's going to be different I'm sure. I just need God to help me to go through it and I'll be just a-okay. :P
Cherissa and Kayla just left today. I'll be seeing them on Thursday I guess.
I'm coming on your birthday, Hannah! I miss NY. This time I'm looking forward for it's humidity. Gaaah, but please don't make me any darker than I already am now -_-
CANNTT WAIITTT. Jakarta is just too boring for now :P But I really hate it if once I'm there I get homesick -_- Please, just not seasick! :S:$
So, this is probably my last post while I'm in Jkrta, maybe I'll write when I'm there :)
C'est La Vie!

PS: 'This old man came rolling home' :P


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