Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yesterday,which is only 30 minutes ago, that noon i went to school to get my report card and met stephanie and went to pim to XL Center then home,so i wasted my afternoon on the sofa with my phone and tv,finally at 4 I crawled out of my house in my(dad's) car with my mom,darren,cherissa&kayla to raffles and i drove around there for an hour and we all went to 7eleven in trogong then when i was just about to pay for them slurpees, there came an unexpected rain,it was more of a wind storm probably so we all were like somewhat panicked and stuff and finally got wet blablabla end up getting my(dad's) car wet, and got ourselves a frosbite before even finishing our slurpees, the end. HAHAHAHA that was a whole story with no full stops hahahah soyeahh thatsabout it


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