Thursday, June 3, 2010

My day

Today was most exciting, we had to do our exams at the biology room on the second floor. Today's subject was science and computer, i had to bring my laptop which could only stay on for like only an hour... In the science test we were permitted to open our notes, yet it still took me 2 hours to do it.. That was the most horrible/humiliating time of my life +.+ I usually only need 20 minutes to do it.. and that was like literally only billy and me that was still doing it in room 4. I hope I get a perfect score, cause if I don't IT'S GONNA BE MORE HUMILIATING. Computer was okay, at least it wasn't as hard as 1 semester exam, but this time miss mita won't let us use usb to turn in the projects, she said we have to send it to her email by 1 o'clock that afternoon -_- At the end of the day, I played a little basketball with Karel, Darren and Richie(i don't know how to spell his name). It was more like a "main ngasal2 aja" kinda game. We end up with a tie 8-8, then went home.

Our schedule for this week was:

Monday: Bible&Mandarin
Tuesday: Math&Indonesian Studies
Wednesday: English&Bahasa Indonesia
Thursday: Science&Computer
Friday: History&HE/Electro


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