Tuesday, April 20, 2010

oh no :O

uhhhh i have no idea what to feel -_- i hate the fact that i wont be here, loving the fact that i'll meet my family, kinda of not really interested on the journey thing :S
IMA GONNA MISS YOUU D': hate this hate this hate this !!!!!! duhh gimana dong huffh
sebeell, entar klo kenapa2 gimana : [ ga lucu lohh


Friday, April 9, 2010

so yeah

i went to school to get my report card today. good thing it satisfied my parents. i get to go to pim the whole day, and i did. with billy, jess, ka gio, gianni, ka kevin. and there i also met ka steven, ka albert, ka calvin, angga, ka matthew, n ka katwang. we saw the new xxi in pim 1 but didnt watch any movies. went home at 7 and for some reason.......i dont feel right inside. i trust you tho. so i guess i shouldnt worry..


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I got my glasses today! I've been like waiting too long... Badnewws internet's been dead for almost a week :S I didn't even think I'd ever make it this far *lebay hahahah astagaa... Kangen pake laptop lagi.. Retreat kemaren seru, pulang2 udah ada Pajeronya dong P: hahaah sok banget nih.. I swear if the dude won't fix the internet cable thing I'd beat him up alive :/ and look, the good channels are not even connected anymore...howthehell am I gonna enjoy myself everytime I'm bored or relaxing??? Hihhh :( oh well.. At least my bb can still be of use P:
Eh gila lo ka April Fools tega banget sampe segitunya... Kirain beneran lgi.. Aku kira kaka udah ngerti klo ngerokok gabagus HAHA sumpah klo ga bilang aprilmop kecewa bgt P:
Buat yg ulang tahun April 3 kemaren HAPPY BIRTHDAY loh! Hahahha jahat banget lo kas kira gua sombong... 14 yaa.. Hmm gua ga mau cepet2 14..tmbah tua entar haha
Soo that's all I have to write
