Hahahaha... Today was awesome :D
We are sisters noww!
D'LAST is our name ( ; It stands for:
D-Darlene Davita (me)
' -just an apostrophe :P
L-Laurensia Nathasya
A-Amanda Amelia
S-Stefi Taneysa
T-c. rmnTr ('c' for Cika, a.k.a. Jessica :D)
I'm the oldest just cause we're arranging the sister age thing by our birth month...
I'm June, Lauren's and Amanda's on August but Lauren came out first.. Wakakak :P Then Stefi's on September, and Cika's on October.
I don't really like being the oldest cause I'd have to be responsible for my lil' sis.. Btw I have like 4 -____- What a bummer HAHAHA but then agaaiinn.... Its loads of fun to be the oldest cause you get to tell the little sis cool things hahaha (thats what I doo (; )
Laurensia is the second and she's hilarious xD hahahaa you'd always be laughing if you talk to her. She does stuffs that just really funny. She loves Elmo and Justin Beiber. LMFAO! :D
Amanda is the third and she's nice. I'm close to her but still I'm also close to all the other girls (: Amanda is also funny, I love to joke around with her :D We have alot in common. She is easy to talk to too. Lol ;)
Stefi is the fourth. She's a mad genius! Hahaha I'm proud to have a little sister like her xD She loves to listen to her ipod just like I do. Keep up the great work sis!
Jessica! She the youngest :3 One thing about us that we have in common is CHILDISHNESS xD Tho I'm the oldest, I'm still soo childish, more childish than my other sis i guess.. Jessica is a cheerful girl and she's also smart ;) She loves Doraemon and Michael Jackson. Hahaha I luvv you Jess.
I love you all!! xD Aishiteimasu!♥
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