Monday, December 14, 2009


Woke up too early man... I had to go to Manda's house at 6:30 so i did.. heheh Then we waited for Ka Gio and went to Lauren's house to pick her up. We head to school and arrived around 8:10. Had our and I got Jessica's. I was a notebook saying '100% Action. 0% Talk' Duuuudee!! i loved it! xD thanks Jess ;) Amanda got my present which was this keychain I bought and I knew it was perfect for her cause it has stitches and is colored red and black :D Glad you like itt.
It was alot of fun :D We had our last violin practice, then listened to the sermon, then it was time for us to perform. I messed a line :| Uhhh... Then when it was candlelight time, we just couldnt stop blowing each others candle :P That's what im afraid of.. I couldnt control my childishness :( We laughed the whole time. Its hard to try not to laugh especially when youre sitting between Amanda and Jessica. HAHAHA :D Lauren was reading a comic the whole time. Stefi was being Stefi hahaha :)
It was Christmas exchange presents time again :D But this time, its with the whole middle school & highschool. I got no. 17. It was chocolate :P hahaha I heard it was Ben's. Agal got myn. I was happy to know at least it was someone from gr. 8 that has myn. hahahah xD
Then we went to Manda's house. By we i meant Ka Gio, Amanda, Laurensia, Ka Haruka, Billy, Jessica, Kasih, Dinda and moi. :)) It was fun hahaha.. We talked, played cards, watched tv, went outside, sit around Manda's balcony. Teehee.. I went home at 5:15. My head was tired.. heheh.. (:
Then I mostly spent the nite in my room doing the stuffs i usually do :) Nitynite.


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