Friday, December 11, 2009

Exam week: 5th day

i luvvv luvv itt ;D but today's exam wasnt so good.. my history was a disasterr! And I barely can do my HE :"( Uhhhh...
So tired.. i headed home at like, 3 o'clock.. I was done at 11:30. I had to wait 3 and a half hours for my brother, they have like a last violin practice. Theyre performing tomrw...
Lauren and I were played a little basketball, its so hot today ':| Good thing we went to McDonalds and bought icecream heheh.. xD
Im going to miss u alot Steph :( have fun at Ausi yaa.. Bring me NERDS if you can :] HAHAHA (y)
Soo today went well... I want to go Christmas shopping tmrw :D i hope i can....
I really dont have any plans for this month.. My brain is fried. It needs time to recover, i think a month would be enuf :D

PS: I hate it haattee ittt! i dont like you, ure not fun anymore... i wont even bother talking to you next time, dont worry bout me, i dont even think you care about me, so why should i care too..


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