Sunday, December 13, 2009

What a day...

We went to the 10 o'clock service church at JPCC today.. Then my dad went to find a taxi cause he needs to go somewhere else. While we have to go to Batavia Hotel cause Oma and her friends have this birthday celebration... It started at like 2:30 and I had to wait a long time for the food. I was starving but the I lost my appetite eventually -_- we left at 3:30 and arrived home at 4 past 30 I think... Took a shower and went to the salon and got my hair done. Cause there's a wedding tonight and its my cousin's (I heard) soo Mom forced me to go to the salon.
So I met a bunch of my family, cousins, my eyang... Then we had a family foto, after that we went home, and that's about 9 pm.. arrived home, wrapped the presents, prepare everything and NITYNITE :))


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